Thursday, December 4, 2014

My "Conclusion" for Hiram Hamilton Eady

I use "conclusion" between apostraphes because I cannot really conclude anything without hard evidence. For some reason while searching for Hiram's parents I always come up with Henry H. Eady and Nancy Caldwell. I cannot PROVE they are really his parents, or that the Hiram Hamilton that lived with them is my great-great grandfather. I may never be able to prove it.

However, lacking any other evidence, like a census record, for now I will go along with the assumption this information is correct. It may be that another researcher has found the evidence and I just don't have it yet.

This is an example of what I usually find when searching family trees for Hiram:

Going forward I will use this information to trace Hiram's ancestry. I HATE that I can't prove it, but I guess as long as I make it clear I don't have evidence then a future researcher can take this at face value.

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