Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Butter vs. Butler Mystery Solved?

While tracing my genealogy back to William the Conqueror, I noted that the Butler family of Ireland suddenly became the 'Butter' family in Sussex, England. This Butter family then married into the Coggeshall family and imigrated to the United States.

I remember how I panicked when I saw the surname of Butter!

I thought, "OMG my ancestors were Butters- not Butlers- and therefore I'm not a descendant of the Plantagenets!"

I have studied the art of Calligraphy for about 30 years, and I love the beautiful handwriting that used to be used with pen and ink.

If you write the name 'Butler' this way, you will notice that the cross bar in the 'T' also flows through the 'L' which is next to it.

I imagine that some transcriber, pouring through old, yellowed pages of parchment, made the mistake of thinking 'Butler' was 'Butter' and wrote it down as such.

This is the only thing that makes sense to me and I believe the Butters were, in fact, Butlers. I would love to see the original records in England so I can be 100% certain.

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