Thursday, March 19, 2015

Eady Grist Mill in Wilkinson County, Georgia

JOHN EADY SR., who emigrated from Ireland, whose Revolutionary service was certified by General Elijah Clarke, was one of the early settlers of the county, building a mill on Black Creek still known as "Eady's Mill." His son, Henry, (b. 1786-1847) was married in 1807 to Elizabeth Gay (b. 1790, daughter of Allen and Abigail (Castleberry) Gay. Henry became very wealthy, owning a great many slaves. Henry's daughter, Temperance, married Oren Davis.
Davidson's History of Wilkinson County
From the will of John Eady - "And to my beloved son, J. A. Eady, I bequeath my grist and saw mill, and one hundred acres of land, parts of two lots, No. 186, the mill tract on lot No. 181, part of the long branch lot"
Lot 181 - original grantee Joseph Baughn, Nov. 13, 1805
Lot 186 - William Twilley, original grantee March 5, 1806 Atlanta Constitution
August 22, 1912
Fish Fry at Eady's Mill
Milledgeville, Ga, August 21 (Special) A party of Milledgeville men left here in ten automobiles for Eady's mill, Wilkinson county, early this morning. The attraction is a big fish fry. In order that some repairs be made at the mill, the pond will be drained. This pond is a large body of water, and abounds with fish, especially noted for fine trout that the Milledgeville sportsman is so fond of.

Newspaper article

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